Energy Medicine | Urgent Care

Immense GI Relief

Immense GI Relief

I have used Ethan Borg’s Urgent Care several times with wonderful results. After months of suffering from GI problems, after one session with Ethan, I felt immense relief. I was able to eat again without pain!  It was truly miraculous! He also treated my Covid infection last summer, and I recovered in three days! The Urgent Care treatment allowed my teenage son to recover from influenza A in three days, with no complications. Ethan kept in touch and asked about my son’s symptoms, supporting him all the way to recovery. My 21 year old daughter has also used the Urgent Care treatment for her Covid infection and her recent viral infection. Every time Ethan has done incredible work! I cannot recommend this service more highly! Ethan is a true God-send! So much gratitude for all he has done for my family and me!